313. I asked 30K students what words they confused the most, here’s what they said

Episode 313 April 24, 2023 00:23:11
313. I asked 30K students what words they confused the most, here’s what they said
The InFluency Podcast
313. I asked 30K students what words they confused the most, here’s what they said

Apr 24 2023 | 00:23:11


Show Notes

The most confusing word pairs EVER! If you’ve been speaking English for a while, you probably know how complicated the spelling can be. But how about words that are spelled differently, but sound soooo similar? These word pairs I’m going to teach you today are common pairs that people confuse, and can lead to misunderstanding. But don’t just take my word for it, I asked this question to my InFluency Community, a community of non-native speakers around the world, and we came up with this list together! (P.S. Have you joined the free community? You’re invited! https://bit.ly/3Nqwd35) Watch the video version here: https://hadarshemesh.com/magazine/confusing-word-pairs/

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